1. Jeffrey O. Kephart '80 Prize

It is awarded yearly to the EP graduating senior with the most outstanding academic record.
No nominations are needed. The EP faculty nominates the candidates and selects the winner(s) at the end of each academic year. The award carries a monetary value of $1000.00.
You can see a list of recipients here.
2. The Best Engineering Physics Independent Work Award
This is awarded yearly to the junior or senior EP student whose independent work or thesis is deemed most outstanding by the EP faculty. To qualify, the independent work must have a significant physics content (if the student is an engineer), or engineering content (if the student is a physicist). The work must be nominated by the student's advisor by sending an email message to the Program's director and describing the outstanding engineering physics value of the work. A copy of the final report or thesis, in PDF format, should also be emailed to the director by the student or advisor by noon May 15.
The award will be announced at the end of each academic year and carries a monetary value of $500.00.
3. The Young EP Scholar Travel Award

This is awarded to cover travel expenses of a junior or senior EP student whose work is deemed worthy of presentation at a national or international conference or symposium. To qualify, a request from the student's project advisor must be sent by email to the Program's director. The request must include a PDF of a late draft of the paper, the title and location of the conference and a brief evaluation of the quality of the work and the contribution of the student if he or she is not the main author.
4. The Engineering Physics Summer Fellowship Program
This is designed for Princeton undergraduate students interested in spending the summer with a Princeton Physics or Engineering faculty member to work on a research problem with an engineering physics flavor.
This fellowship program awards up to 1/2 summer support to the selected student(s), with the balance coming from another source (such as the research grant of the research advisor or a departmental award).
Students in the Engineering Physics Program will be given priority, but any physics or engineering students who might be seriously considering joining the program can apply. Selection will be based on the availability of funds (which will dictate the number of students who can be supported), academic standing and nature of the research project.
To apply, send the following 4 items via email to the director by noon, May 15.
- A 1-page statement of intent describing your interest in engineering physics and the particular research project you wish to work on.
- A brief message from the faculty advisor stating his/her willingness to mentor you during the summer of that project.
- A commitment from the advisor (or the other source for the supplemental support) to provide supplemental support.
- Your transcript.
The Engineering Physics Committee will evaluate the applications shortly after the above date and announce the winners who will be given summer support.
The winners are required to summarize their work and results in a 4-page paper to be submitted to the program at the end of the summer.
You can upload the above documents here.